
                            Sybase Technical News


Volume 6, Number 2                                  May,1997


This issue of Sybase Technical News contains new information about your
Sybase software. This newsletter is intended for Sybase customers. All
issues of Sybase Technical News and the troubleshooting guides are included
on the AnswerBase CD, SupportPlus Online Services Web pages, and the Sybase
PrivateLine forum of CompuServe.

In This Issue
Message from the Publishers

Tip of the Month: Setting Image Size for bcp

TechNote Summaries

Other Useful Information


Message from the Publishers
Last month, we told you about the return of Sybase Technical News and its
change to a monthly publication.

Now we've taken the spirit of openness a step further. As of April 6, the
Technical Information Library is available to anyone browsing the Sybase
public web pages. Either link from the Sybase home page at
http://www.sybase.com or set a bookmark for http://www-esnt.sybase.com. You
don't have to be a registered support contact to get information about using
Sybase products.

As always, we look forward to hearing from you; send comments to

Tip of the Month: Setting Image Size for bcp
If you want to bulk copy image and text datatypes with bcp, specify the
size, in bytes, of each datatype. The default is 32K, which may be too small
for images.

Rather than arbitrarily setting the image value to a large number, use
datalength() to determine the row length, in bytes, of the data.

1> select datalength(imagerow) from imagetable

2> go

A similar system function, col_length, returns only the column- defined
length. See the Sybase SQL Server Reference Manual: Volume 1 for more
information on system functions.

Other Useful Information

   * SQL Server 11.x Bug Report
   * Compatibility
   * Availability
   * End-of-Life/End-of-Support
   * Error Messages
   * SQL Server 11 Migration Guide: Moving from 10.x or 4.x to 11.x
   * What's New

This information also appears on the AnswerBase CD-ROM, published twice a
year. The current AnswerBase CD-ROM is Number 3, 1996. To order the CD-ROM,
contact Sybase Technical Support at 1-800-8SYBASE.

For frequent updates, visit the Sybase Technical Information Library on the
World Wide Web at http://www-esnt.sybase.com.

Electronic Case Management and Electronic Software Delivery access remains
limited to Sybase support contacts who are registered with SupportPlus
Online Services. ECM and ESD requires SSL web browser support. ECM and ESD
users also may access the Tech Info Library from behind the firewall in the
usual manner, allowing them to retain the security benefits of using SSL
with their web browser.

TechNote Summaries

2696    How to Stop Excessive Paging Activity on SQL Server for Windows NT
----    http://www-esnt.sybase.com/28f6.htm

When the Windows NT system cache conflicts with SQL Server, excessive paging
occurs. This document describes how to identify the problem and its simple

The Windows NT system cache can grow to consume almost all available memory,
slowing SQL Server because both compete for the same memory.

Windows NT allocates SQL Server physical memory by default, which SQL Server
uses to run processes. This default value is known as the "process working

The working set is a collection of those pages in Windows NT's virtual
address space that have been recently referenced. The working set includes
shared and private data.

Windows NT also allocates physical memory to the NT system cache, also known
as the buffer cache. The system cache stores recently used data as long as
possible to permit access to the data without having to read from the disk.

By default, Windows NT first allocates memory to the system cache. SQL
Server may page excessively and appear to hang when SQL Server contends for
system memory with the NT system cache.

   * The hard drive is always making noise and seems like the SQL Server is
     paging constantly.
   * It appears as if the SQL Server is hanging and the current SQL Server
     tasks are taking too long.
   * When the SQL Server is started up, the following warning appears in the

     "Operating system may favor the system cache when memory is at a
     premium. To disable this warning, set the registry parameter
     'LargeSystemCache' to 0 in
     ManagerMemory Management."

Take these steps to stop excessive paging activity:

  1. Examine the following subkey in the Registry Editor:

     ManagerMemory Management

  2. Examine the registry parameter LargeSystemCache.
  3. Set LargeSystemCache to 0.

When the LargeSystemCache setting is greater than zero, the operating system
favors the system cache rather than the process working set.

Consider a scenario in which you are running both SQL Server and bcp on the
same machine and you much bcp a huge table=AF10MB=AF into SQL Server.

As the table is read, the NT system cache grows. Eventually its size
conflicts with the SQL Server working set size. If the LargeSystemCache is
activated (it is greater than zero), SQL Server loses the conflict and
starts to page.

For more information on buffer cache conflicts, see Tuning and Measuring
Performance of Sybase SQL Server 11 on Windows NT.


2743    Starting SQL Server with Trace Flag 3607 or 3608 or Database Status
----    -32768

This TechNote covers the correct use of trace flags 3607 and 3608, and the
consequences of using these trace flags.

If you are unable to access a system or user database, but need to access
the database to look at the problem, SQL Server provides some options that
allow you to do this:

           Option                               Impact
 Trace Flag 3607             Starts SQL Server without recovering any
 Trace Flag 3608             Starts SQL Server, recovering master only
 User Database Status -32768 Starts SQL Server without recovering the user

Once you have started SQL Server with one of these options, the unrecovered
databases are open and accessible. How you subsequently shut down SQL Server
can impact recovery of these databases. If you do an ordinary shutdown, an
automatic checkpoint will be performed on all unrecovered databases. The
syslogs table is truncated and you lose the ability to recover any
transactions in the log. For example, if you use trace flag 3608 and do a
normal shutdown, you may lose recovery of all databases other than master.

After starting SQL Server by using trace flags 3607 or 3608, or by setting
the database status to -32768, therefore, it is critical that you do a
shutdown with nowait. No checkpoint is performed, so that transactions in
syslogs are preserved and you may be able to recover the database(s) later.

Finally, be sure to issue a checkpoint in master if you have made any
changes to system tables.

     Do not attempt a normal shutdown after using trace flags 3607 or
     3608, or after setting the database status to -32768. By doing so
     you run the risk of being unable to recover the affected
     database(s). Always do a shutdown with nowait in these situations.

For more information about starting SQL Server with trace flags, see the SQL
Server Troubleshooting Guide.


2824    lct_admin("unsuspend") Not For Use in SQL Server 11.x
----    http://www-esnt.sybase.com/28ca.htm

Database administrators should not use the lct_admin("unsuspend") command in
SQL Server version 11.x.

Sybase SQL Server versions 10.x and later provide a "last chance threshold"
on transaction log space. This threshold is an estimate of the minimum
amount of space required to back up the transaction log using the dump
transaction command.

When a Sybase SQL Server client thread (spid) crosses the last chance
threshold, that thread becomes "LOG SUSPEND"ed until enough space in the
transaction log is available to continue. In most situations, a threshold
procedure or manually generated dump transaction command will free
sufficient space to allow suspended processes to awaken automatically and
continue processing.

Sometimes, however, a very large or long-running transaction may prevent
dump transaction from freeing sufficient space for processing to continue.
When this problem arises in SQL Server 10.x, there are two ways to make
space available in the transaction log:

   * Extend the transaction log with the alter database command


   * Kill the large or long-running transaction and then issue the select
     lct_admin("unsuspend",dbid) command to awaken the suspended threads.

SQL Server version 11.x includes a memory-based private log cache to reduce
contention on transaction log writes, which can result in the following
problematic scenario when using lct_admin("unsuspend"):

  1. SQL Server cannot complete the kill and roll back the large or
     long-running transaction because the transaction log is full.
  2. The full transaction log prevents SQL Server from flushing the contents
     of the private log cache to disk.
  3. The database administrator must reboot SQL Server in order to terminate
     the transaction and free up transaction log space.

Therefore, Sybase SQL Server 11.x database administrators must not execute
select lct_admin("unsuspend", dbid) when processes have become "LOG

If a very large or long-running transaction has prevented dump transaction
from freeing sufficient space for processing to continue, SQL Server 11.x
database administrators should take one of the following two approaches:

Approach 1
Use alter database to add transaction log space to the database with the
"LOG SUSPENDED"ed users:

 alter database database_name
 log on logdevice_name =3D size

Approach 2
Free up transaction log space held by the large or long-running transaction
by following these steps:

  1. Obtain the process id (spid) of the large or long-running transaction:

     select spid from master..syslogshold
     where dbid =3D dbid

     where dbid is the id of the database with "LOG SUSPEND"ed users.

  2. Kill the large or long-running transaction:

     kill spid

     where spid is the output from step 1.

  3. Monitor the master..syslogshold table for a change in spid for the
     database with "LOG SUSPEND"ed users to determine whether the large or
     long-running transaction has been killed.

     It can take some time for SQL Server to kill the large or
     long-running transaction. If you are concerned about the time,
     consider using Approach 1 instead of Approach 2.

  1. Once the large or long-running transaction has been killed, issue a
     dump transaction command for the database with the "LOG SUSPEND"ed
  2. Issue the sp_who command to determine whether there are still LOG
     SUSPENDed users for that database. If so, return to step 1, above.


1224    SQL Server 11.x Product Interoperability and Platform Compatibility
----    (revised)

This note contains SQL Server 11.x product interoperability and platform
compatibility information. The listed Sybase products have been verified to
work with SQL Server 11.x.

This document was revised to include

   * jConnect
   * ODBC Driver Kit 10.0.4 and 11.1
   * Sybase IQ 11.1 and 11.2
   * Replication Server 11.0.2 and 11.0.3

Sybase SQL Server 11.x has been extensively tested against other Sybase
products, as listed in matrices under:

   * Verified Sybase Product Interoperabilities page 9
   * Tested Open Client/Server Platform Compatibilities page 12

     Although these matrices include SQL Server releases 4.9.2 and
     10.0.x, Sybase support and maintenance for these releases ends
     Dec. 30, 1997 (excluding Japan). For information on migration
     support and end of support status, see our Migration Resource
     Guide web page http://www.sybase.com/products/system11/migration/
     or call our support hotline, 1-800-88SYBASE. Outside of the US and
     Canada, dial your local Sybase office.

Verified Sybase Product Interoperabilities

The following table shows Sybase product releases that work with SQL Server
                   SQL     SQL     SQL
    Products     Server  Server   Server              Comments
                 4.9.2   10.0.2   11.x
 4.2.5          X        X       X
 4.6.2          X        X       X
                                         All versions of DB-Library
 DB-Library     X        X       X       supported in SQL Server 4.9.2 and
 10.0.2                                  10.0.2 are supported in 11.x. For
 DB-Library                              complete compatibility
 10.0.3                  X       X       information, see the Client/Server
                                         Supplement for your platform.
 10.0.4                  X       X
 11.1                    X       X
 10.0.2                  X       X
 Client-Library                  =20
 10.0.3                  X       X       See "Distributed Services
 Client-Library                          Platforms" in this technote.
 10.0.4                  X       X
 11.1                    X       X
 Open Server
 10.0.2                  X       X
 Open Server
 10.0.3                  X       X       To move from SQL Server 4.9.2,
                                         upgrade Open Server applications
 Open Server             X       X       to Open Server 10.0.3 or higher.
 Open Server
 11.1                    X       X
 Embedded SQL/C
 10.0.3                  X       X
 Embedded SQL/C
 10.0.4                  X       X
 Embedded SQL/C
 11.1                    X       X
 SQL/Cobol               X       X
 SQL/Cobol               X       X
 SQL/Cobol 11.1          X       X
 XA Server for
 Tuxedo                  X       X
 XA Library              X       X
 Server 10.0.3  X        X       X
 Server 10.1    X        X       X
 Server 11.0.1  X        X       X
 Server 11.0.2           X       X
 Server 11.0.3           X       X
 SQL Server
 Manager 10.0.1          X               SQL Server Manager 11.0 is
                                         required for SQL Server 11.x. They
 SQL Server     X        X       X       are bundled together.
 Manager 11.0
 SQL Server
 Monitor 10.0.1 X        X       X       SQL Monitor 11.0 is required for
 SQL Server                              SQL Server 11.x.
 Monitor 11.0   X        X       X
 SQL Debug                               SQL Debug does not support SQL
 10.0.3         X        X               Server 11.x.
 SA Companion                            SQL Server 11.x does not support
 10.0           X        X               SA Companion. However, SQL Server
                                         Manager is bundled with 11.x.
 10.1.2                  X       X
 10.5                    X       X
                                         IQ does not support pre- 11.0.1
 Sybase IQ                               SQL Server releases as a catalog
 11.0.3                  X       X       server. However, attached database
                                         servers can include SQL Server
                                         releases 4.9.1 or higher.
 Sybase IQ 11.1                  X       Requires SQL Server 11.0.2 or
                                         Requires SQL Server for
                                         Sun, IBM, Dec, HP; requires SQL
 Sybase IQ 11.2                  X       Server for Windows NT;
                                         and for Siemens Nixdorf, requires
                                         SQL Server
 PowerBuilder 4  X        X       X
 PowerBuilder 5                   X
 ODBC Driver
 Kit 10.0.4              X       X       ODBC Driver 2.0.x compliant.
                                         ODBC Driver 3.0 compliant. For SQL
 ODBC Driver                             Server 4.9.2, works only with
 Kit 11.1       X        X       X       Sybase's catalog stored
                                         procedures, (included in kit).
                                         Requires JDK 1.0.2 from Sun
                                         Microsystems. You can download
 jConnect                        X       this from
                                         oducts/jdk/1.0.2/index.html .

Tested Open Client/Server Platform Compatibilities
This section shows the tested platform combinations for Open Client/Server
and SQL Server:

   * Open Client/Server 10.0.3 and 11.1
   * Open Client/Server 10.0.3 and 10.0.4
   * Sybase IQ 11.1=20
   * Sybase IQ 11.2=20
   * Replication Server 11.0.1=20
   * Replication Server 11.0.2
   * Replication Server 11.0.3

Open Client/Server 10.0.3 and 11.1
This table shows Open Client/Server (OCS) 10.0.3, 11.1 and SQL Server 4.9.2,
10.0.2.x, 11.1 with the tested platform combinations.

     Platform/          SQL Server        Library       DB-Library    Open
 Operating System
                   11.x 10.0.2.x 4.9.2   11.1 10.0.3   11.1 10.0.3   11.1
 Digital UNIX 3.2  X    X
 HP 9000/800 HP-UX
 10.0.1 (SQL Server
 on HP-UX 10.0, OCSX              X      X    X        X    X        X    X
 on HP-UX 10.0.1)
 IBM RS/6000 AIX
 4.1.4 (SQL Server
 on AIX 4.1.3, OCS X    X                X             X             X
 on AIX 4.1.4)
 Solaris 2.4 SPARC X    X         X      X    X        X    X        X    X
 Windows 3.1       n/a  n/a       n/a    X    X        X    X        n/a n/a
 Windows NT 3.5
 (SQL Server on NT
 3.5, OCS on NT    X    X                X    X        X             X    X
 Windows 95        n/a  n/a       n/a    X    X        X             X    X
 a. With symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) systems only.

Distributed Services Platforms=20
The following table shows the Open
Client/Server platform support for Distributed Services. These services are
optional for Release 11.1. Existing applications work the same as for
Release 10.x without Distributed Services.

The abbreviations are:

   * C=AFclients only
   * S=AFservers only
   * CS=AFboth clients and servers
       Platform    DCE   CyberSafe     Microsoft    NetWare      Banyan
                        Challenger    NT Registry              StreetTalk
      HP 9000/800
      HP-UX 10.0.1 CS  CS
      IBM RS/6000
      AIX 4.1.4    CS
      Sun Solaris
      2.4 (SPARC)  CS  CS
      Windows 3.1      C              C           C          C
      Windows 95                      CS
      Windows NT
      3.5                             CS

Security Guardian
Client applications require Client-Library 11.1 to use Security Guardian, a
separate product that allows SQL Server 11.x to use third-party security
services. One Security Guardian is required for each SQL Server, and it must
reside on the same node/system.

Security Guardian is available on these platforms:

   * HP9000/800 HP-UX 10.0.1
   * IBM RS/6000 AIX 4.1.4
   * Sun Solaris 2.4 (SPARC)
   * Windows NT 3.5

Open Client/Server 10.0.3 and 10.0.4

This table shows OCS 10.0.3, 10.0.4 and SQL Server 4.9.2, 10.2.x, 11.x with
platform combinations that have been tested. Blank cells indicate
combinations that have not been tested.

    Platform/        SQL Server       Client-Library  DB-Library    Open
 Operating System 11.x 10.0.2.x 4.9.2 10.0.3  10.0.4  10.0.3 10.0.4 10.0.3

 Digital UNIX 3.2  X   X                      X               X            X
 HP 9000/800
 HP-UX 10.0.1
 (SQL Server on    X            X     X       X        X      X      X     =
 HP-UX 10.0, OCS
 on HP-UX 10.0.1)
 IBM RS/6000 AIX
 4.1.4 (SQL
 Server on AIX     X   X              X                X      X      X
 4.1.3, OCS on
 AIX 4.1.4)
 Solaris 2.4
 SPARC             X   X        X     X       X        X      X      X     =
 SunOS 4.1.3      n/a                 X       X               X            =
 Windows 3.1      n/a n/a      n/a    X       X        X      X      n/a
 Windows NT 3.5
 (SQL Server on
 NT 3.5, OCS on   X   X        n/a    X       X        X      X      X     =
 NT 3.5.1)
 Windows 95       n/a n/a      n/a    X       X        X      X      X     =
  a. With symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) systems only.

ODBC Driver Kit 10.0.4/ODBC 2.x Compliance

PC client applications may use Sybase ODBC driver kit that connects to SQL
Server 10.0.2 and 11.x on these platforms.

   * Windows 3.1
   * Windows 95
   * Windows NT 3.5.1
   * Windows NT 4.0

ODBC Driver Kit 11.1/ODBC 3.0 Compliance

PC client applications may use Sybase ODBC driver kit that connects to SQL
Server releases 4.9.2 (when used with the catalog stored procedures), 10.0.2
and 11.x on these platforms.

   * Windows 95
   * Windows NT 3.5.1
   * Windows NT 4.0

Sybase IQ 11.1
Sybase IQ 11.1 has been tested with Open Client and SQL Server for these
versions and platforms:
                                          SQL Server          Open Client
    Platform/ Operating System
                                   11.0.2.x  10.0.2.x 4.9.2  11.1   10.0.4

 HP 9000/800 HP-UX 10.20           X         n/a      n/a           X
 Solaris 2.4 SPARC                 X         n/a      n/a           X
 IBM RS/6000 AIX 4.1.4 (Requires
 AIX patches, detailed in Sybase   X         n/a      n/a           X
 IQ Release Bulletin.)
 Digital-Unix 4.0.A (Open Client
 on 10.0.3 only)                   X         n/a      n/a           see note
 Windows NT 4.0                    X         n/a      n/a           X

Sybase IQ 11.2
Sybase IQ 11.2 has been tested with Open Client and SQL Server for these
versions and platforms:

                                           SQL Server         Open Client
    Platform/ Operating System
                                   11.0.2.x  10.0.2.x  4.9.2  11.1 10.0.4

 HP 9000/800 HP-UX 10.10 and 10.20 X         n/a       n/a    X
 Solaris 2.5.1 SPARC               X         n/a       n/a    X
 IBM RS/6000 AIX 4.1 and 4.2       X         n/a       n/a    X
 Siemens Nixdorf SINIX 5.4.3B      X         n/a       n/a    X
 Digital-Unix 4.0.A                X         n/a       n/a         X
 Windows NT 4.0                    X         n/a       n/a         X

Replication Server 11.0.1
Replication Server 11.0.1 has been tested with Open Client/Server and SQL
Server for these versions and platforms:

  Platform/        SQL Server      Client-Library  DB-Library  Open Server
   System     11.x  10.0.2.x 4.9.2 11.1   10.0.3   11.1 10.0.3 11.1 10.0.3

 HP 9000/800
 HP-UX 10.0.1 X    X         X           X              X           X
 Solaris 2.4
 SPARC        X    X         X           X              X           X
 Windows NT
 3.5          X    X                     X                          X

Replication Server 11.0.2
Replication Server 11.0.2 has been tested with Open Client/Server and SQL
Server for these versions and platforms:

  Platform/        SQL Server      Client-Library  DB-Library  Open Server
   System     11.x  10.0.2.x 4.9.2 11.1   10.0.3   11.1 10.0.3 11.1 10.0.3

 HP 9000/800
 HP-UX 10.0.1 X    X                     X              X           X
 Solaris 2.4
 SPARC        X    X                     X              X           X
 Windows NT
 3.5          X    X                     X              X           X

Replication Server 11.0.3
Replication Server 11.0.3 has been tested with Open Client/Server and SQL
Server for these versions and platforms:

  Platform/        SQL Server      Client-Library  DB-Library  Open Server
   System     11.x  10.0.2.x 4.9.2 11.1   10.0.3   11.1 10.0.3 11.1 10.0.3

 HP 9000/800
 HP-UX 10.0.1 X    X                     X              X           X
 Solaris 2.4
 SPARC        X    X                     X              X           X
 Windows NT
 3.5          X    X                     X                          X
 Windows NT
 4.0          X                          X                          X



Principal editor: Betsy Brazy

Contributing writers: Hal Kempthorne, Vinaye Misra, Jenny Schaffer

Send comments and suggestions to: Sybase Technical News, 6475 Christie
Avenue, Emeryville, CA 94608 or email technews@sybase.com.

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